(International Womens Day)
So, its the end of March and I do not know where the time as gone. I also do not know where the next 4 months are going either. I have lots of programs, visitors, vacations and a wedding to attend to. My service will be over before I know it.
Past Events:
My Best Friend and her husband came to visit!!! We stayed in village for 8 days, and Ouaga 3. The visit was so great, its nice seeing people I know. We hung around village, drank some dolo, helped weight babies, climb mango trees, etc...
It was a really great time, and I am really glad that they came. In the end it was exhausting to always be translating, but it was really worth it.
(A gift for me)
Upcoming Events for April:
New Mothers Workshop
Ag workshop
(My girls club)
Mail Received:
ESA Headquarters