Monday, March 2, 2009


It's FESPACO! It is the West African International Film Festival. It was started in 1969 and is the largest film festival in Africa. It is held every odd number year. So, I came into the Capital for a few days. There are people from all over here and the city packed!

Everytime I come into the city it is a very overwhelming experience. Pus, the city is soo expensive. When I come in I try to do everything that I can't do in village like check my e-mail, and go food shopping, and eat real food.... ya know the good stuff. I usually never have time to do it all...

Things are going very well right now for me. I love village and the slow pace and relaxed atmosphere. I am working on my Etudie (which is a study of my village) and I am pretty much done I just need to find time to write it. It has been a very interesting process. I am finding out soo much about my village that I would have never known.

The next few weeks are going to be super busy for me. Our village is doing vaccinations and then I have mid-service training for a month. After I get done with my mid-service training I am allowed to start doing real training on my own. So I plan to start going out into the village and doing talks on different health topics that the village is having problems with like malnutrition or malaria... I also plan to go into the school and teach basic hygiene.

Mail I received:
Erin V.
My Parents

Thanks again for the mail!!! I love it!

Well thats all!!!

Wend na Kond na Lafi! (May God Bless you until next time)


1 comment:

Lyndsee said...

Your welcome! You can keep cool with that Obama fan! :)