Just a little up-date
*I am currently in Spain with ¾ of my family. We spent 5 days in Barcelona and then moved on to Madrid. Both places are equally gorgeous. It’s nice to have a change of scenery. The flight to Barcelona was nice and smooth. I made all my connections. The strangest thing was flying out at night from the same air-port that I flew into 9 months ago. It brought back so many memories of my first few days in country.
*I have been a volunteer for a little over 6 months, but it’s been 9 months since I have seen the good-ole USA. I thought it would be hard to make the adjustment back into a more modern society, but so far it has been smooth. It’s also a lot easier since I’m not actually home, and I am going back to Burkina.
Past Events:
Burkina Faso v. Cote D’Ivoire: We Lost 3-2.
Vaccination Campaign for MMR
Up-Coming Events:
World Map project and organizing youth center(Plan to open it Oct.)
Below is the survey of my Village:
*General info
The geographical location
My village is Nakaba in the area of the Center East, providence of Kouriitenga, and department of Baskoure. The place Chief of providence is Koupela 30 km of my village. Koupela is the Medical District.
My Village is 166 km of Ouagadougou and with 520 km of Bobo-Dioulasso.
The village of Nakaba counts 10 districts:
My village has a population of 6,500 inhabitants. The Person in charge, Naaba Kossodo is the Chief of the Village of Nakaba. His three responsibilities are: Organize the village traditionally, Take care of problems of a political nature and socio-economic. Deals with the administration of the village.
History of the Village
The Chief of Koupela was father of several princes. Each one wanting its autonomy, the chief decides to divide his kingdom between them. The village of Nakaba was thus reserve with Naaba Gnondogo. This one left Koupela to settle in Nakaba towards the 15th century. It is the founder of Nakaba.
The principal ethnic group of Nakaba is Mossi. There is also Peulhs and Zhosse which are slightly represented has the geographical one of village causes.
There is a royal court with Nakaba. The royal surname is KABORE and GNONDGO. They inhabitants Nakaba-Center.
*Presentation of the medical surface of Nakaba
Nakaba is continuation in the medical district of Koupela (30K) area of Center East. The area of Nakaba east composes of 5 villages.
Village Distance
Nakaba 0km
Bologo 3km
Komsilga 5km
Nondo 2km
Ounougou 4km
The Functions consists in organizing all material logistics and finances for the implementation of the care of quality with the full participation of the community. Each day the CSPS does: consultations, pre and post native consultations, weigh the children, vaccinations, obstetrician assistance, to give the drug, boil demonstrations, and sensibilisations.
The CSPS of Nakaba was open in 2002. Before its construction the patients went to Baskoure, Nioughin, to look after itself. The CSPS was built by a European Priest.
Village 0-11 1-5 total
Nakaba 130 451 3092
Bologo 06 22 152
Komsilga 49 169 1157
Nondo 30 105 721
Ounougou 49 168 1155
264 915 6277
3013-Hommes 3264- Femmes
List of top 10 sicknesses
Affections respiratoires 801 Respoiratory Infections
Paludisme 772 Malaria
Affections de la peau 211 Skin Infections
Affections digestives 135 Digestive Infections
Affections uro-génitale 133 Urinal Problèmes
Maladie Diarrhéique 115 Dirrhea
Affections osteo-articulaire 75 ??
Parasitose intestinale 58 Parasites
Affections cavité buccale 43 Teeth Problems
Affections oculaire 39 Eye problems
The COGES is functional since May 2007. The participation of the COGES in the activities of health professional training is insufficient 3 out of 6 are regulars with the meetings. It takes part in the management of the health centre with the team of health. It meets each 6 months to make a feedback with the community.
Mail Received as of June 27, 2009
*Kristen Wilson