Friday, September 18, 2009

Rain Rain... or a Flood...

Over 9 hours of rain, over 10 inches, wiped out power for over 24 hours, wiped out countless houses and businesses. (Barrowed the pics from a friend of mine except my house photo)

The canal by the university - maybe 15 feet of water deep

Road to Fada(Which is the road to my village)

(what it looks like when its raining at my house)

September Happenings........

Its September Already?!?!


Im in Ouaga this weekend to have a farewell party for the new COSers (COS= Close of service) The group met for a week to discuss their final 3 months at site. The remaining volunteers have a get together to say good-bye.Yes, I know its early but the next 3 months will fly by and COSer leave randomly, so this is the last time we will see them all together.

These COSers are health and Small Enterprise. They were the ones who helped during my training and guided us with opur first projects.

Since all new incoming volunteers will be coming together, as opposed to a group in Oct and a group in June, once these COSers leave my stage will be the only health and sed volunteers until the new group swears in in Augt 2010.

Whats even scarier then being the only health volunteers for almost a year, is that in excatly a year that will be me at the COS conference.

The past month or so has been good. The weather has coooled off which is awesome. Vegatables are back in season. I can now find patats, green beans, tomatos and even frut isnt that expensive.

My days are filling out, sometimes I wonder if Ill get everything done that I want to do in my remaning 13 months.

I started giving health talks now. I go from village to village talking about whatever I want. My first talk was a disaster. No one showed up except the 3 guys that I made come.

My first topic was about a tree called Moringa. Its found in tropical and subtropical climates. Once its older is needs very litttle water to live. Its a great source of nutrition. It was first discovered in India, but can be found all over now.

We like to call it the magical tree. It can do about anything.

(Me at my Youth Center planting Moringa)
For Example :
If you plant them close together is works as a fence.
If u take the seeds and ground them up they putfy water and honey
The tree branches can be pulled apart and woven into twine
The seed pods are good for animals
Mostly importantly the leaves has great nutritional value.

One cup of moringa powder is equal to 7 oranges for Vitamin C
One cup of moringa powder is equal to 4 cups milk for cqlcium

Since milk, fruit and most food is expensive and hard to find, Moringa is a cheap and easy way to get all those vitamins.

So I have been telling all my villages about them and I even planted 10 trees, so when they are redy I can make power.

Once I have enough powder Im going to do pourage demostrations and hopefully find a womens group who would be interested in selling the powder.

Other News :
Im finally getting materials for my Youth Center, hope to have grand opening at the end of October.

(Me and Benga)